EFFECT of Recycling ON OPTICAL PROPERTIES of Bleached Bagasse PAPER Blended with Radiata PINE Wood Pulp and Retention AIDS

Monday, October 17, 2011
Exhibit Hall B (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Shishir Sinha, Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Roorkee, India and Parmod Gupta, Chemical Engineering, S.J.P. Polytechnique Damla, Yamuna Nagar, India

The recycling of bagasse based papers has become an essential part on the basis of pollution free and economic point of view to fill up the gap between the demand and supply of the present and future requirement of the paper. The quality of the bagasse fiber is superior to the wheat and rice straw fibers. There is no use of bagasse in the sugar industry other than burning it as a fuel, as it  is  a waste product of sugar industry. Due to the depletion of forest raw material bagasse fiber has become the important source of fast growing raw material to the paper industry. Bagasse being an agriculture waste contains short fiber length and low degree of polymerization it has low recycling potential and requires blending of long fibered pulp to produce required strength development in the paper produced.  In the present study the recycling of bagasse paper blended with log fiber pulp was attempted with the help of varying doses of quality improving chemicals. The effect of blending of these chemicals and pulp under the various recycling stages on optical properties of paper were examined. The decreasing trend  in various optical properties was tried to improvised by the optimal blending ratios of chemicals and long fibered pulp.

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