Liquid to Vapor transition of water UNDER HYDROPHOBIC confinement
Sumit Sharma, Pablo G. Debenedetti
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544
Molecular origins of phase separation of oil in water have been a topic of great interest as it is considered the basis of biological self assembly (Nicholls, Sharp et al. 1991; Sharp, Nicholls et al. 1991). Theoretical and simulation studies predict that the behavior of water molecules near hydrophobic solutes is solute-size-dependent (Lum, Chandler et al. 1999; Rajamani, Truskett et al. 2005). At ambient conditions, water molecules are able to retain their hydrogen (H) bonds around hydrophobic solutes ≤ 1 nm (Pangali, Rao et al. 1979). The solubility of small hydrophobic solutes is shown to be proportional to the free energy of creating a cavity of the size of the solute in water (Hummer, Garde et al. 1998). For larger solutes, water molecules are unable to retain their H-bonds close to the solute and hence form a soft, vapor-like interface (Wallqvist and Berne 1995). Simple thermodynamical arguments show that water confined between two large repulsive surfaces separated by distance d should vaporize even when d is as large as 103 nm (Lum, Chandler et al. 1999). The fact that evaporation transitions at such macroscopic length scales do not occur in finite times (Christenson and Claesson 2001) indicates that kinetics of evaporation in hydrophobic confinement are of fundamental importance and merit computational scrutiny.
In this study, we estimate rates and activation energy for liquid to vapor transition of water confined between hydrophobic surfaces using Forward Flux Sampling (FFS) (Allen, Frenkel et al. 2006). FFS allows a good sampling of the liquid to vapor phase transition, which, being a rare event in the simulation time scales, is hard to achieve in equilibrium simulations. We found that the activation energy, ΔG scales as d for the case when the size of the hydrophobic solutes is ~ 1 nm. The transition state ensemble comprises of configurations in which almost the entire confined region is devoid of water molecules.
Simulation system and methods
We use the SPC/E model of water (Berendsen, Grigera et al. 1987). The hydrophobic surfaces were constructed with Lennard Jones (LJ) atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. This arrangement of atoms mimics that of carbon atoms in graphene (Choudhury and Pettitt 2005). The LJ potential parameters of carbon atoms for the Amber force field (Cornell, Cieplak et al. 1995) are: εcc = 0.086 kcal mol-1 and σcc = 3.4 Å. The carbon atoms of the surface interact with the oxygen atoms of water molecules with LJ potential. As per the Lorentz – Berthelot rules,
εoc = (εcc . εoo)0.5 (1)
σoc = (σcc + σoo)/2 (2)
where, εoo is the SPC/E water oxygen – oxygen LJ ε parameter and σoo is the SPC/E water LJ σ parameter. For SPC/E water, equations (1) and (2) give εoc = 0.1156 kcal/mol and σoc = 3.283 Å. This carbon – oxygen potential leads to a very strong binding of water molecules to the surfaces (Hummer, Rasaiah et al. 2001; Choudhury and Pettitt 2005). Hence, we simulated a weaker (more hydrophobic) wall – oxygen potential with εow = εoc / 4 and σow = σoc.
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were conducted in the isothermal-isobaric (NPT) ensemble. 2329 water molecules were taken in a cubic simulation box, periodic in the x, y and z directions. Each wall / hydrophobic surface, made up of 60 atoms, had the lateral dimensions of 9.05 x 0.05 Å. The walls were kept fixed and were were placed parallel at a distance d from each other.
Forward Flux Sampling
Suppose a system has two locally stable states designated A and B separated by a free energy barrier. Let us identify a system property, say ρ, that changes in value from ρA at A to ρB at B (and let ρA > ρB). Now, we divide the phase space by interfaces, λi which are loci of phase space points with the same value of ρ, say ρi. Let the interfaces be numbered such that ρi > ρi+1. Interface λA corresponds to ρA and λB to ρB. The rate of the transition from A to B will be,
Rate = ϕ(λ1|λA) ∏iP(λi+1|λi) (3)
Where ϕ(λ1|λA) is the flux of trajectories which leave λA and reach λ1. P(λi+1|λi) is the probability that a trajectory starting from λi would reach λi+1 before reaching λA.
In order to calculate the rate of transition from liquid to vapor state for water confined between two hydrophobic surfaces, ρ is the density of the water molecules in the confined region. From an equilibrium simulation (40 ns), we determine ϕ(λ1|λA) and collect N configurations at λ1, which correspond to the first crossing of λ1 by a trajectory coming from λA. From each of the N configurations, C trajectories are shot (with slightly perturbing velocities) to determine P(λ2| λ1). The configurations at the interface λ2 are further propagated to the next interface. The process of propagating the trajectories from one interface to the next is continued till the vapor phase is reached.
Results and Discussion
Evaporation rates were calculated for d =9.0 Å to 14.0 Å. For d=9.0 Å, the confined region sampled both liquid and vapor phase-space in the equilibrium simulation. For d ≥ 9.8 Å, the confined region only sampled the liquid phase in the equilibrium simulation. The evaporation rate for d=9.0 Å was found to be 1.67 x 109 nm-2s-1, whereas for d=14.0 Å, it was found to be 0.058 nm-2s-1. Therefore, an increase in d less than two times the diameter of a water molecule leads to a decrease of the order ~1010 in evaporation rates. This implies that the kinetics of evaporation of water in confined geometries is strongly dependent on d.
The activation energy to the evaporation event for d=9.8 Å was determined by doing evaporation rate calculations at T=298, 348 and 398 K. The activation energy was found to be ~ 45 kBT. Assuming a constant pre-factor, activation energies for other values of d were predicted from the calculated evaporation rates. The predicted values of the activation energies were validated by calculating the activation energy at d=11.0 Å. The activation energy to evaporation was found to scale linearly with d. The transition state ensemble comprised of configurations in which the vapor bubble is almost of the same volume as the confined region. This observation implies that the free energy barrier to evaporation should be proportional to the free energy required to create a vapor bubble of approximately the same volume as the confined region, which explains the linear dependence of activation energy on d. A lattice gas model calculation to determine free energy barriers to evaporation between infinite plates showed a d2 scaling of the activation energy (Luzar 2004). Therefore, it appears that there should be transition in the scaling factor from linear to quadratic as the size of the hydrophobic plates is increased.
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