Hypoxia Markedly Influences Pluripotent Stem Cell Differentiation to Mesoderm, Ectoderm, and Endoderm and Reduces Subsequent Teratoma Formation

Tuesday, October 18, 2011: 9:30 AM
L100 F (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Jeffrey R. Millman, Amanda R. DiIenno and Clark K. Colton, Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

Efficient differentiation of pluripotent stem cells (PSC) to desired cell types for cell replacement therapy remains a challenge, and potential tumor formation by residual PSC in differentiated populations is problematic. Most PSC research is performed in high, non-physiological O2, but cells during embryonic development are exposed to much lower O2. Here we report a wide-ranging study showing that physiological O2 markedly influences differentiation to all three germ layers, with enhanced differentiation to cardiomyocytes and insulin-producing cells in particular, and reduces residual PSC and tumor formation.

We differentiated mouse and human embryonic stem cells (mESC and hESC) and mouse induced pluripotent stem cells under controlled cellular O2 environments through adhesion culture on highly O2-permeable silicone rubber membranes. Low O2 drastically increased cardiomyocyte differentiation from these PSC. Best results were acquired by differentiation of mESC for 6 d at 5% O2 followed by 20% O2 for 15 d, resulting in up to 57% cardiomyocytes and 304 cardiomyocytes generated per initial mESC without purification, factors of 5 and 9 higher, respectively, than differentiation entirely at 20% O2. Low O2 culture for the first 6 d increased by 3x expression of Mesp1/2, which helps restrict mesodermal cells to the cardiovascular lineage, but did not increase Brachyury T expression, an early mesodermal marker, compared to 20% O2, thereby suggesting that low O2 acted by restricting the fate of early mesoderm towards cardiomyocytes.

Low O2 decreased the fraction and number of Nestin+ cells (ectoderm) by 3x for mESC, but enhanced expression of endodermal genes Sox17, Foxa2, Hnf4a, and Pdx1, stimulating us to examine differentiation of hESC to Insulin+ cells using a protocol developed by ViaCyte, Inc (San Diego, CA). Differentiation to definitive endoderm (DE) was modestly enhanced by culture at 3-8% O2, but performing differentiation entirely at low O2 was detrimental for producing Insulin+ cells. Differentiation at 5% O2 to produce DE with all subsequent steps at 20% O2 achieved a population with 14% Insulin+ cells, 2x higher than differentiation entirely at 20% O2. These cells passively secreted C-peptide but were not glucose responsive.

Low O2 for extended periods after differentiation was complete drastically reduced the amount of residual PSC within, and the tumorigenic potential of, differentiated cell populations. Pluripotency marker (Oct4 and Nanog) expression and the fraction and number of Oct4+ cells was reduced by up to four orders of magnitude at low compared to high O2. Upon implantation into immunocompromised mice, low O2-differentiated cells did not form tumors or did so slower than high O2-differentiated cells, consistent with reduced residual PSC. Cell sorting of SSEA-4+ cells after extended low O2 culture of hESC further reduced residual PSC and tumor formation rate.

These findings establish that culture O2 is important for almost every aspect of PSC differentiation. We used highly-O2 permeable silicone rubber culture dishes for accurate control of cellular O2 exposure. By modulating O2 during different stages of differentiation, we achieved substantial increases in cardiomyocyte and Insulin+ cell yields. Extended culture at low O2 further decreased residual PSC by several orders of magnitude. O2 control, alone or combined with other methods could be applied to future cell therapy protocols to generate and increase the safety of differentiated cells.

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