Structure Determination of MFI and MWW Zeolite Nanosheets

Tuesday, October 18, 2011: 9:33 AM
M100 F (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Xueyi Zhang1, Kumar Varoon2, K. Andre Mkhoyan3 and Michael Tsapatsis2, (1)Chemical Engineering & Materials Science, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, (2)Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, (3)Materials Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

MFI and MWW zeolite nanosheets are building units for state-of-the-art zeolite thin films for gas separation. In this study, the structures of exfoliated MFI and MWW zeolite nanosheets were determined using a combination of experimental and simulation methods. Based on characterization results from atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, the structures and thicknesses of the exfoliated zeolite nanosheets were proposed. After optimization with Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics, X-ray diffraction patterns and electron diffraction patterns were simulated from these structures. The agreement between experimental and simulated characterization data suggested that the proposed structures represented the actual structures of the exfoliated zeolite nanosheets. The methods used in this study can be employed to determining structures of other zeolite nanostructures.

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