Distillation Column Time-to-Steady-State

Tuesday, October 18, 2011: 2:35 PM
205 A (Minneapolis Convention Center)
M.R. Resetarits1, A.N. Vennavelli1, A.Y. Ogundeji1 and James R. Whiteley2, (1)Fractionation Research, Inc., Stillwater, OK, (2)Chemical Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK

FRI’s experimental unit in Stillwater, OK, includes two distillation columns, each 4 feet in diameter.  Three different binary test systems are employed at pressures ranging from 75 mmHg to 400 psia.  Using Yokogawa's Procedural Automation and Historian technologies, a set of experiments was performed to determine how quickly steady states can be achieved after very significant process changes.  The times were determined to be a function of operating pressure and column hold-up.

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