Preparation of Gel Structured Poly Styrene-Ethylene Glycol Dimethacryalate (PS-EGDM) Based High Capacity Ion Exchange Resin and Its Characterization

Tuesday, October 18, 2011: 1:30 PM
L100 C (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Gagnesh Sharma1, Shishir Sinha2 and Shashi Kumar1, (1)Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India, (2)Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Roorkee, India

Suspension polymerization was carried out under optimum conditions in order to prepare gel structured Poly styrene-ethylene glycol dimethacryalate (PS-EGDM) based ion exchange resin using gelatin as particle size controller, toluene as diluents (porogen) and calcium carbonate and sodium sulphate as suspending agent and AIBN as initiator. Subsequent modification was carried out by nitration of resin using NOX (mixture of NO2 and NO) in a gas phase reaction. This resin was subjected to amination by reducing nitrate groups using hydrazine hydrate. The chloroethylated PS-EGDM resin was prepared by reacting aminated resin with dichloroethane. The strong base anion exchange resin is prepared by quarternizing chloroethylated resin with triethyleamine. This developed resin is having varying exchange capacity on the basis of degree of crosslinking. To analyze this effect as well as the chemical modification efficacy, the proposed resin was subjected to column test to determine its exchange capacity. BIS/ASTM standard techniques were used to analyze the exchange capacity of resin. It was found that the exchange capacity of resin varies with varying amine groups and it was found maximum in triethylamine. The effect of chemical modification was analyzed by instrumental methods like FTIR, BET isotherm and SEM and results are thus correlated in situ.

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