Implementing Chem-e-Car Competition Into the Curriculum: Ten Year Experience

Wednesday, October 19, 2011: 3:15 PM
Marquette VI (Hilton Minneapolis)
Sundararajan. V. Madihally, School of Chemical Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK

Chem-e-car activity has emerged as a signature event at the regional and national conferences since its inception in 1999.  The creation of these cars is fun, and the competition is entertaining.  Most schools take part in the contest by thriving on voluntary participation of students in the AIChE student chapter.  At Oklahoma State University, the chem-e-car competition has been administered for the past ten years as part of multiple courses in the chemical engineering curriculum.  In this presentation, general methodology adapted is described.  Based on those experiences, the advantages and challenges of this approach are discussed.  In addition, some of the deciding factors to be considered for implementation of this approach are discussed.

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