Characterization of Epoxy Spin-Coated Tailored Multifunctional Nanocomposite Structures

Thursday, October 20, 2011: 5:20 PM
101 G (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Timothy Shenk, Chemical and Biological Engineering, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD, Robb M. Winter, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, S.D. School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD and Kenneth M. Benjamin, Cbe, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD

AICHE 2011 Abstract

Title: Characterization of Epoxy Spin-Coated Tailored Multifunctional Nanocomposite Structures


Polymer nanocomposites provide unique solutions to industrial and scientific applications where weight must be minimized and /or functionality maximized. Researchers are interested in improving the ability to tailor a product to meet specific weight, thermal, optical, mechanical and electrical requirements.  Historically functional composite structures have been realized through a top-down approach.  With the advent of atomic level measurement tools and experimental techniques a bottom-up approach to the creation of multifunctional structures is receiving intense study.  We are developing unique multifunctional structures using such a bottom-up approach with the intent of developing molecular simulations to guide such a process.  Properties of polymeric nanocomposite structures are tailored and optimized through a fundamental understanding of intermolecular forces. 

While macroscopic models of bulk properties of polymer nanocomposites have been characterized, much less is known on the dynamics of their interfacial characteristics, which must be fully developed in order for the tailor fabrication of multifunctional nanocomposites using a bottom-up approach.  Targeted functionalization and spin coating are used to provide consistent means of creating multilayer multifunctional thin film composite strictires allowing for the investigation of properties of these multifunctional composites.  We will use a surface response design of experiment in the characterization of our system.  We investigate the effects of unique combinations of sonication, high shear mixing, surface modification and other dispersion mechanisms on the ability to control dispersion to create multifunctional layers of epoxy spin coated nanocomposites in order to obtain desired mechanical properties such as loss and storage moduli, coefficient of thermal expansion, glass transition, among other properties. 

It is known that other variables, such as surface morphology effect adhesion between layers.  We explore the various parameters impacting morphology and its control, including substrate type, the impact of centripetal forces, environmental conditions and nanoparticle dispersion.  Of particular interest is to better understand the effect of humidity on morphology and adhesion in multifunctional multilayer nanocomposites.  Using a controlled environment, we investigate the impact of humidity and spin coating on the interfacial adhesion of nanoparticles with the polymer matrix and interlayer adhesion.  In addition, we investigate the impact of other parameters, such as curing, on our systems.

Our ability to characterize and control dispersion using a spin coating allows us the ability to tailor make thin film nanocomposites to meet certain specified criteria in the production of multifunctional, multilayer nanocomposites.

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