Experimental Investigation of Crystal Shape Evolution During Growth and Dissolution

Wednesday, October 19, 2011: 1:45 PM
202 B (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Meenesh R. Singh1, Stephan X. M. Boerrigter2, Christian Borchert3, Kai Sundmacher3 and Dorwaiswami Ramkrishna1, (1)School of Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, (2)Industrial and Physical Pharmacy, Purdue University, IN, (3)Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg, Germany

Controlling crystal morphology is a hot topic in current research on crystalline materials for diverse industrial applications. In this connection, experimental detection of polymorphs through on-line measurement of crystal morphology in a crystallizer is a problem of crucial interest. XRD and Raman Spectroscopy are generally accepted as a primary method to identify polymorphs. We present evidence of a new, strikingly simple and inexpensive method of identifying polymorphs through computer-aided analysis of images produced with a Confocal microscope. This methodology has the following features.
  • A software with an automated program for polymorph detection integrated with a Confocal microscope which can be used for on-line monitoring and control of particle shape, size and polymorph content.
  • Different polymorphs can be identified by recognizing inter-planar angular patterns specific to a given polymorph. It yields the absolute amounts of different polymorphs present in a population of crystals.
  • It has the potential for on-line measurement of 2D and 3D crystals of complex shapes.

Consequently, this methodology can:

  • Replace currently used FBRM (focused-beam reflectance measurement), digital video imaging and microscopy based sensors that have limitations with real shapes.
  • Eliminate the need for multiple sensors currently used in industry.

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