Hydrocarbon Deactivation of a Cu/Zeolite SCR Catalyst
A Cu-exchanged zeolite catalyst was evaluated for selective catalytic reduction (SCR) performance before and after exposure to propylene at different temperatures, ranging from 150 to 500°C. A transient response method was used to characterize the standard, fast and NO2 SCR reactions, as well as NH3 and NO oxidation, in the presence and absence of propylene.
The results clearly show propylene inhibition of the standard and fast SCR reactions between 200 and 400°C. With the addition of propylene there is an immediate increase in outlet NOX. According to the DRIFTS data obtained, propylene oxidation intermediates, for example acrolein-like species, rapidly form on the catalyst surface upon propylene introduction at these temperatures, explaining this immediate drop in performance. At 300°C there was a slower decrease in performance with prolonged exposure to propylene, after the initial rapid loss, which was not observed at 250°C. In the 300 to 400°C range, acrolein species were again observed, resulting in the rapid loss in performance observed, but coke formation was also observed, and was slow to build-up. The coke formation explains the slow decrease in performance noted. At 150°C, inhibition was not observed, nor was any propylene consumption via oxidation, suggesting that some extent of propylene oxidation is required for the onset of inhibition, further verifying the propylene oxidation intermediates causing inhibition.
In terms of NO oxidation, in all tests, the addition of propylene led to reduced NO2 formed via NO2 being used as an oxidant for propylene oxidation, and thus reduction of NO2 to NO. NH3 was found to inhibit propylene oxidation, due to the relatively stronger adsorption of NH3 to the surface. For NO2 SCR, the addition of propylene resulted in improved performance, through HC-SCR as well as reduction of NO2 to NO, allowing some fast SCR reaction to occur.
See more of this Group/Topical: Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division