Self-Assembled Microcontainers for Three-Dimensional Control Over Chemicals In Cellular Microenvironments

Sunday, October 16, 2011
Exhibit Hall B (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Yevgeniy V. Kalinin, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Self-assembled microcontainers for three-dimensional control over chemicals in cellular microenvironments

The ability to create well-defined and controlled three-dimensional cellular microenvironments has been an area of active research over the last few years. This poster will show how self-assembled three-dimensional patterned hollow microcontainers can aid in creating and controlling shape and composition of chemical patterns on the microscale. It will be shown how to control the shape and duration of the chemical patterns released by the containers and how these chemical patterns can guide spatial self-organization of motile cells (see the figure on the right). Alternatively, by confining living cells to the inside of the microcontainers it is possible to only selectively allow small molecules to permeate the cells. The poster will discuss the possibilities the containers offer for transplantation of insulin-secreting pancreatic beta cells since the cells can be shielded from the immune system of their new host by the microcontainers.

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