NANO-Structered CALCIUM Silicate Hydrate PRODUCTION

Tuesday, October 18, 2011: 8:51 AM
M100 F (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Ozgul Taspinar1, Tolga Nalbantoglu1, Idil Ozturk1 and Onur Y. Ozcan2, (1)Chemical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, (2)Environmental Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

This study focuses on the production of nano-structered calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) from rice hull ash (RHA). Sodium silicate, produced from the alkaline extraction of RHA in the laboratory was reacted with calcium chloride and white color CSH powder was precipitated at the normal conditions.   To obtain the  nano-structered CSH, diethyleneglycol was used as spacer compound during filtration/washing operations as stated in Johnston et al’s  patented study (2008). About 10 nm particles of CSH formed meso-porous framework clustors  which have 3-4 micron particle sizes. The pores of clusters were also 10-40 nm in size. When the precipitate is washed with water however, the framework collapsed and the porous structure of the powder failed. The nano-structere framework of the produced samples in the presence of spacer compound and its collapse with water washing were detected with TEM analysis.  

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