Water Sustainability and R & D In Singapore

Tuesday, October 18, 2011: 10:35 AM
200 F (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Tai-Shung Chung, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Water, energy, affordable healthcare and global warming are four major concerns globally resulting from clean water shortages, resource depletion, high costs of pharmaceuticals, and changing climate conditions. Water reuse and seawater desalination are especially important for Singapore because we are an island state with very limited water supply. Up to 50% of water consumed in Singapore is purchased from a neighboring country. Over the past decade, water demand in Singapore increased at approximately 3% per annum. This is expected to rise considerably because of the rapid expansion of our city and local industries. A review on water sustainability and R & D at Singapore will be carried out. We will also cover membrane research at NUS for water sustainability.

Email: chencts@nus.edu.sg; Website:1) http://www.chee.nus.edu.sg/people/faculty_chungneal.html; 2) http://www.chbe.nus.edu.sg/membrane


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