A Discrete Population Balance Model for Particle Breakage In Dense-Phase Particulate Systems

Monday, October 17, 2011: 8:30 AM
M100 F (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Ecevit Bilgili1, Maxx Capece1 and Rajesh Dave2, (1)Chemical, Biological and Pharmaceutical Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, (2)Department of Chemical, Biological and Pharmaceutical Engineering, New Jersey Center for Engineered Particulates, Newark, NJ

Population balance models (PBMs) provide a quantitative understanding at the process length scale for comminution processes. Not only can PBMs serve as a quantitative tool for simulation, design, and optimization [1,2], but they can also elucidate the breakage mechanism(s) such as massive fracture, cleavage, and/or attrition [3]. Time-discrete or space-discrete PBMs are commonly used for comminution processes in which the average residence (retention) time of the particles is relatively short and the process can be described by considering a series of elementary breakage events each with a small duration of Dt or with a small length DL, respectively [1]. 

Traditional discrete linear PBMs (DL-PBMs) assume the independence of particle breakage from the surrounding particle population. However, at the particle ensemble scale, particles of all sizes mechanically interact with each other. Particles, which have a dynamically varying size distribution and inter-particle contacts, deform and transmit forces among themselves. The distribution of contact forces (stresses) evolves with the continuously changing population density and thus leads to a population-dependent breakage probability. These multi-particle interactions become dominant especially in dense-phase comminution processes. Toward accounting for these multi-particle interactions explicitly, a non-linear kinetics framework for rate-based comminution processes has been proposed [4], which decomposes the specific breakage rate into an apparent first-order breakage rate and a population-dependent functional. The functional describes different types of non-first order breakage kinetics.

In this study, using the aforementioned framework, we formulate a fully discrete, non-linear population balance model (DNL-PBM) in an attempt to analyze and model the multi-particle interactions for dense-phase comminution processes. Numerical simulations considering the breakage of binary- and poly-dispersed particle mixtures were performed to assess the predictive capability of the DNL-PBM over the traditional DL-PBM. They provided significant insight into the retardation effect of fines on the breakage probability of the coarser particles experimentally observed in particle bed compression tests. With a flexible mathematical structure able to account for multi-particle interactions explicitly, the DNL-PBM can serve as a framework to model dense-phase comminution processes. The practical applicability, accuracy, and stability aspects of the model are also discussed.


[1] L.G. Austin, A review: introduction to the mathematical description of grinding as a rate process, Powder Technol. 5 (1971) 1–17.

[2] A.D. Randolph, M.A. Larson, Theory of Particulate Processes, Academic Press, San Diego, 1988.

[3] E. Bilgili, R. Hamey, B. Scarlett, Nano-milling of pigment agglomerates using a wet stirred media mill: elucidation of the kinetics and breakage mechanisms, Chem. Eng. Sci. 61 (2006) 149–157.

[4] E. Bilgili, J. Yepes, B. Scarlett, Formulation of a non-linear framework for population balance modeling of batch grinding: beyond first-order kinetics, Chem. Eng. Sci. 61 (2006) 33–44.

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