Evaluation of Thermophysical Properties Using Polynomial Expansion Equation and Genetic Algorithm

Wednesday, October 19, 2011: 4:09 PM
101 I (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Katsumi Tochigi, Youji Takahashi, Hiroyuki Matsuda and Kiyofumi Kurihara, Department of Materials and Applied Chemistry, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan

Thermodynamic properties such as compressible factor, liquid density, vapor pressure, acentric factor, viscosity, surface tension, thermal conductivity, and ionic conductivity are necessary for discussing the chemical processes. Some calculation methods using polynomial expansion equation and genetic algorithm have been proposed in order to evaluate the thermophysical properties.

   This article deals with the evaluation of following properties;

(1)    Liquid density, surface tension, acentric factor, and vapor pressure using normal boiling point, critical temperature, critical pressure and molecular weight.

(2)    Critical temperature, critical pressure, and acentric factor using Antoine constants. Molar volume and ovality.

(3)    Thermal conductivity for CFC alternatives using group contribution.

(4)    Ionic conductivity for ionic liquid using group contribution.

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See more of this Session: Thermophysical Properties and Phase Behavior III
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals