Department of Energy Funding Opportunities

Wednesday, October 19, 2011: 9:45 AM
Marquette VI (Hilton Minneapolis)
Bhima Sastri, Department of Energy, Washington DC, DC

The Industrial Technologies Program (ITP) is the lead government program in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) that funds R&D to develop efficient technologies for industry, and works to increase the energy efficiency of U.S. industry—which accounts for about one-third of U.S. energy use. In partnership with industry, universities, and DOE national laboratories, ITP helps in research, development, and deployment of innovative technologies that companies can use to improve their energy productivity, reduce carbon emissions, and gain a competitive edge.

We continuously feed the technology pipeline and move scientific breakthroughs toward the market. Successful development of these transformational technologies will provide a step change in energy efficiency and expand markets at home and abroad. Through our technical assistance activities, we help industry identify the proven technologies and practices that offer the most cost-effective options for saving energy today.

The program currently is under new leadership and this presentation will discuss the changes as well as budget and strategic plan that the program will follow.

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