The Science Behind the Innovative Laundry Sheet Purex Complete 3-In-1

Wednesday, October 19, 2011: 9:50 AM
102 A (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Matthew Petkus, Laundry Care R&D, Henkel, Scottsdale, AZ

Consumers are king when it comes to the consumer goods industry.  This is why products that are engineered for convenience take precedence in the category.  In the fabric care category there was a need to develop a product that delivers cleaning, softening, and antistatic in an all in one laundry product.  That is why Henkel designed and launched a novel laundry sheet that offers all of these benefits.   The science and design behind the Purex Complete 3-in-1 laundry sheet was imperative to its successful launch.

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See more of this Session: Innovation In Consumer Product Management and Design
See more of this Group/Topical: Management Division