Abet Accreditation Updates and Insights

Tuesday, November 10, 2009: 8:30 AM
Hermitage D (Gaylord Opryland Hotel)

This session, hosted by the Education and Accreditation Committee, will provide a brief review regarding the ABET accreditation process. In addition to briefly reviewing ABET General Criteria and the accreditation visit, discussion will also focus on aspects associated with recent changes (2007) in the Chemical Engineering Program Criteria. INVITED PAPERS ONLY.


Randy S. Lewis
Email: randy.lewis@byu.edu

Douglas K. Ludlow
Email: dludlow@mst.edu

8:35 AM
(181a) Preparing for the ABET Accreditation Visit
Gary K. Patterson, Jeffrey J. Siirola, Ronald P. Danner and Edward Rosen
See more of this Group/Topical: Education