Teaching Design Outside the Capstone Course

Tuesday, November 10, 2009: 3:15 PM
Jackson C (Gaylord Opryland Hotel)

Papers on design projects and approaches to teaching design in courses other than the capstone design course.


Joseph J. Biernacki
Email: jbiernacki@tntech.edu

Jeffrey R. Seay
Email: jseay@engr.uky.edu

3:33 PM
(329b) Development of Classroom Experiments to Introduce Decision Making Under Uncertainty to Students in a Design I Course
Dimitrios V. Papavassiliou, Chintamani Jog, Phuong Le, Margaret Freeman and Georgia Kosmopoulou

4:27 PM
(329e) Using Simulators to Teach Process Safety
Andrew I. Biaglow, Donald C. Glaser, Robert G. Bozic and Russell P. Lachance

4:45 PM

5:03 PM
(329g) Reverse Osmosis Desalination Research in the Undergraduate Laboratory
Han Gu, Alex Bartman, Panagiotis Christofides and Yoram Cohen

5:21 PM
(329h) Incorporating Computer-Aided Software in the Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Core Courses
Raafat Alnaizy, Nabil Abdel-Jabbar, Taleb Ibrahim and Ghaleb Husseini
See more of this Group/Topical: Education