Student Poster Session: Materials Engineering and Sciences

Monday, November 9, 2009: 8:30 AM
Ryman Hall B1/B2 (Gaylord Opryland Hotel)

One of nine student poster sessions.

Student Chapters Committee Liaison

Christopher T. Williams

Salma Saddawi

(65aa) Carbon Nanotube Based Tunable Microbattery
Philippe A. Lacasse and W.J. Ready

(65ab) Environmentally Friendly Levan- Montmorillonite Films
Jennifer Guerrero, Xiaoming Chen and Dr. Harry Ploehn

(65af) Grafted Block Copolymer Nanoassembly Drug Carrier
Daniel Lindsay, Andrei Ponta, J. Zach Hilt and Younsoo Bae

(65ag) Characterization and Activation Temperature Modification of Flexible Nanopourous Sorbents
Meghan E. Clardy, Jose N. Primera-Pedrozo, Omar Garcia-Ricard and Arturo J. Hernandez-Maldonado

(65aj) Polymer-Based Amplification of Cellular Protein Detection
Katerina R. Voigt, Heather J. Avens, Brad J. Berron, Vivek Balasubramaniam, Gregory J. Seedorf and Chistopher N. Bowman

(65ak) Evaluation of a Molecular Spring Nanothermometer
Hector E. Lopez Carretero, Diego A. Gómez-Gualdrón and Perla B. Balbuena

(65am) Biomaterials for Drug Delivery to the Injured Spinal Cord
Raymond Seekell, Nathan Grantier and Noelle K. Comolli

(65an) Sonolytic Synthesis of Biocompatible, Magnetic Metal Oxide Nanomaterials for Therapeutic Systems
Jayson P. Wicker, Kristen A. Uitenham, Timothy H. McArthur, Gerard L. Moore and Kenneth L. Roberts

(65ao) Microwave Synthesis of Biocompatible Quantum Dots
Jeweliet A. Yost, Sarah Wood and Brandon Vogel

(65as) De Novo Design of Peptide-Calcite Biomineralization Systems
Sarah Schrier, Elizabeth A. Specht, David L. Masica and Jeffrey J. Gray

(65au) Preparation of Superhydrophobic Polymethylene Films
Nabijan Nizamidin, G. Kane Jennings and Juan C. Tuberquia

(65b) Redox Stable Conductivity of B-Site Doped SrTiO3 for SOFC Anodes
William C. Holler, Brandon Smith and Michael D Gross

(65c) Atomic Layer Deposition of Zinc Oxide in a Fluidized Bed Reactor for Novel Sunscreens and Cosmetics
Samantha I. Johnson, David M. King, Jianhua Li, Xinhua Liang and Alan W. Weimer

(65d) Development of Target-Specific Antifungal Beta-Peptides
Jeffrey Aquino, Patricia Ortiz and Samuel H. Gellman

(65h) Polymers From Furfural
Olga O. Jennings, Christopher M. Comer and Julie L. P. Jessop

(65j) Development of Nanocomposite Shape Memory Polymers
Zhengwang He, Nitin S. Satarkar and J. Zach Hilt

(65o) Investigation of Dynamic Relaxation Properties of Poly(methyl methacrylate)/Silica Nanocomposites
Alexander L. Heilman, Anthony C. Comer, Andrew Placido and Douglass S. Kalika

(65s) Improving the Electrical Properties of Doped ZnO Nanowires Via Post-Synthesis Processing for Solar Applications
Yangluo Jim Wang, Rodrigo Noriega, Sujay Phadke, Saahil Mehra and Alberto Salleo

(65t) Effect of Pressure On a Budesonide-Ethanol Spray During the Supercritical Anti-Solvent Precipitation Process
Andrew P. Klinger, Rajeshwar Chinnawar, Christopher B. Roberts and Steve R. Duke

(65w) Poly(ethylene glycol)-Based Hydrogel Nanocomposites with Iron Oxide and Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Hyperthermia Cancer Therapy
Christopher R. Barton, Nitin S. Satarkar, Samantha A. Meenach, J. Zach Hilt and Kimberly W. Anderson

(65x) Hyperthermia Cancer Therapy Using Poly(ethylene glycol)-Based Magnetic Hydrogel Nanocomposites
Lynndsey M. Klenk, Samantha A. Meenach, James Z. Hilt and Kimberly W. Anderson

(65y) Continuous Solid-State Fabrication of Polymer Nanocomposites
Benjamin D. Aldrich, Joshua T. Clark, Paul J. Hubert, Marc F. Henry, Cara D. Ziegler and Katsuyuki Wakabayashi

(65z) Encapsulation of Hewl Crystals IN Polymeric Networks
Jose A. Jimenez, Madeline Torres, Ph.D. and Alexandra Martinez
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