Novel Experimental Methods for the Study of Interfacial Phenomena

Monday, November 9, 2009: 3:15 PM
Governor's Chamber B (Gaylord Opryland Hotel)

Developing insight into the fundamental behavior of interfacial processes is often limited by an inability to sufficiently characterize the nature of these complex systems. Papers reporting on novel aspects of interfacial characterization and processing methods are solicited. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: Real Time and In-Situ Imaging of Interfaces, Interfacial Spectroscopy, High Resolution Interfacial Sensing, Novel Characterization Methods, Interfacial Fabrication Methods, and Non-Traditional Applications of Conventional Methods.

Interfacial Phenomena

Andrew C. Hillier

W. Robert Ashurst

3:20 PM
(161a) Microfabricated Deflection Tensiometers: A Novel Technique in Interfacial Tensiometry
Zachary A. Zell, SiYoung Q. Choi, L. Gary Leal and Todd M. Squires

3:40 PM
(161b) Microtensiometer to Directly Probe Kinetic Adsorption Constants
Nicolas Alvarez, Lynn M. Walker and Shelley L. Anna

5:00 PM
(161f) Active Interfacial Microrheology of Protein Solutions
Prajnaparamita Dhar, Joesph A. Zasadzinski, Thomas Martin Fischer, Yanyan Cao and T. Mallouk
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals