Biomolecules at Interfaces I

Thursday, November 12, 2009: 8:30 AM
Governor's Chamber D (Gaylord Opryland Hotel)

This session welcomes contributions describing experiment and theory for a wide range of biomolecules (proteins, DNA, polysaccharides, etc.) and a broad range of interfaces, both liquid-solid and liquid-liquid. Relevant topics include: protein adsorption, biological forces and adhesion, biomembranes, transport of biomolecules across interfaces, changes in biomolecule conformation induced by interfaces, and interfacial engineering for applications such as biosensing, biomedical materials development, and bioseparations. Traditionally, this session has emphasized fundamentals over applications, but contributions from both sides are encouraged.

Interfacial Phenomena

Raymond Tu


8:35 AM
(502a) Effects of Synthetic Linear and Cyclic Peptide Analogs On Liposome Phase Behavior, Transport, and Morphology
Anju Gupta, Geoff Bothun, Rob Deluca, Guofeng Ye, Deendayal Mandal and Keykavous Parang

8:55 AM
(502b) Interaction of Antimicrobial Peptide Ovispirin with Lipid Bilayers
Allam S. Reddy, Ann Marie Woys, Yu-Shan Lin, James L. Skinner, Martin Zanni and Juan J. De Pablo

9:15 AM
(502c) Characterization of the Structure of Oligopeptide Kinase Substrates Immobilized On Solid Surfaces
Yiqun Bai, Xiaosong Liu, Paul Bertics, Franz Himpsel and Nicholas L. Abbott

10:35 AM
(502g) Why Are There Two Types of Collagen IV in Glomerular Basement Membrane?
Michael J. Swickrath, Kevin D. Dorfman, Yoav Segal and Victor H. Barocas
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals