The Nuclear Revival: New Opportunities in the Southeast

Tuesday, November 10, 2009: 8:30 AM
Governor's Chamber E (Gaylord Opryland Hotel)

The nuclear industry is ramping up to be a significant contributor for meeting increased electricity needs and helping achieve energy security and climate change goals. Recent surveys indicate that 70 – 90% of the U.S. public now supports increased nuclear energy construction to help achieve these goals. The leadership of this nuclear revival is centered in the Southeast with several new units presently under construction and more being planned for the near future. This session will include a panel discussion of leading experts from utility, academic, and government groups discussing nuclear construction projects, major challenges the industry faces, and the opportunities it offers – including a surge in employment.

Topical F: Sustainable Southeastern Energy Portfolio
Nuclear Energy (07g), Research and New Technology Committee (18j)

Adrian Heymer


8:30 AM

10:10 AM