Composites for Energy Applications

Monday, November 9, 2009: 3:15 PM
Cheekwood G (Gaylord Opryland Hotel)

This session invite talks about composites materials used in energy applications. Such composites materials,in part,include (polymeric) composites materials with nanowires and/or quantum dots for solar cells, lithium battery, fuel cells,capacitors, and any other of energetic cells. Theoretical, modeling, or experimental work is welcome. The relationship between structure,processing, morphology, and properties is an important topic. New developments in matrix materials and filler and interfaces are encouraged to submit.

Sustainable Energy (23c)

Cynthia Rice-York

Ileana C. Carpen

3:15 PM
(138a) Bio-Nanocomposite Catalysts for Direct Electron Transfer in Bio-Electrochemical Systems
Ramaraja P. Ramasamy, Heather R. Luckarift, Dmitri Ivnitski, Plamen Atanassov and Glenn R. Johnson

4:05 PM
(138c) Graphene-Silicon Composite for Li-Ion Battery Anodes
Jung Kyoo Lee, Kurt B. Smith, Cary M. Hayner and Harold H. Kung

4:30 PM
(138d) Embedded Sphere Method for Measuring Dielectric Breakdown in Polymers and Polymer Composites
Shiva Balasubramanian, Peter A. Barber, Peter Muzykov, Hans-Conrad zur Loye, Tangali Sudarshan and Harry J. Ploehn

5:20 PM
(138f) Synthesis and Dielectric Characterization of Polystyrene Composites Containing Surface-Modified Titanates and Novel Mixed-Metal Phosphonates
Yogesh K. Anguchamy, Shiva Balasubramanian, Peter A. Barber, Tangali Sudarshan, Hans-Conrad zur Loye and Harry J. Ploehn
See more of this Group/Topical: Materials Engineering and Sciences Division