Energy and Operations

Wednesday, November 11, 2009: 3:15 PM
Lincoln E (Gaylord Opryland Hotel)

The search for alternative energies has seen tremendous renewed interest. In part this has been triggered by environmental concerns, sustainability concerns, expected future high cost of fossil fuel, increased demand as a result of booming Chinese and Indian economies, and potential supply disruptions in oil producing countries, especially the Middle East. In addition, energy costs and intensity in process operations pose new challenges. This session solicits papers dealing with energy challenges in operations.

Computers in Operations and Information Processing

John Siirola

Selen Cremaschi

3:40 PM
(454b) Supervisory Predictive Control of Integrated Wind/Solar Energy Generation Systems
David Chilin, Xianzhong Chen, Jinfeng Liu and Panagiotis D. Christofides

4:05 PM
(454c) Exploiting Weather Forecast Information in Smart Grid Operations
Victor M. Zavala, Emil Constantinescu, Theodore Krause and Mihai Anitescu

4:30 PM
(454d) Optimal Scheduling Under Variable Electricity Cost and Power Availability
Pedro Castro, Iiro Harjunkoski and Ignacio E. Grossmann
See more of this Group/Topical: Computing and Systems Technology Division