Sustainable Biofuels and the Impact in the Southeast

Tuesday, November 10, 2009: 12:30 PM
Governor's Chamber E (Gaylord Opryland Hotel)

Cellulosic biomass has great potential as a source of fuels, products and power. After initial development in the Midwest, the southeastern US is the most likely direction for expansion of renewable biofeedstocks. Substantial efforts are attempting to deal with remaining challenges in conversion technology, production of sufficient feedstocks, and sustainable practices for both components of this new system. This session will focus on ongoing efforts in Tennessee and the Southeastern US to target these issues. This will include the Tennessee Biofuels Initiative and the DOE Bioenergy Science Center, as well as invited speakers to discuss ongoing sustainability and deployment work.

Topical F: Sustainable Southeastern Energy Portfolio
Forest and Plant Bioproducts Division (17), Research and New Technology Committee (18j), Sustainable Biorefineries (23b)

Brian H. Davison

Timothy Rials

1:00 PM
(275b) Enzymatic Bioprocessing of Cellulose in N-Methyl Morpholine Oxide/Water
John Collier, Subramanian Ramakrishnan and Rilwan Oyetunji

2:00 PM
(275d) Purpose-Grown Bioenergy Crops: Tennessee's Switchgrass Experience
Timothy Rials, Kelly Tiller and Samuel W. Jackson