Poster Session: Annual Meeting of the American Electrophoresis Society

Tuesday, November 10, 2009: 6:00 PM
Ryman Hall B1/B2 (Gaylord Opryland Hotel)

The organizers of this session invite poster submissions in the area of electrophoretic technology and development. Topics of interest include new experimental or theoretical research involving any aspect of electrophoresis at either the macro-, micro-, and / or nano- scales. This session is sponsored by the American Electrophoresis Society (AES).

Topical 3: 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Electrophoresis Society (AES)

Anup K. Singh

Christa N. Hestekin

(334a) Thermal Stabilization of Tissue Samples Using the Denator Stabilizor T1: The Inactivation of Proteases and Elimination of Proteolytic Fragments On Two-Dimensional Gels
Gary B. Smejkal, Alexander J. Trachtenberg, J. Robert Chang, John Lindsay, Mats Borén, Soulafa A. Almazrooa and Winston P. Kou

(334b) Viable and Non Viable Microalgae Fractionation Employing Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis
Roberto C. Gallo-Villanueva, Nadia M. Jesús-Pérez, José I. Martínez-López, Adriana Pacheco-Moscoa, Mario M. Alvarez and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas

(334g) Particle Manipulation Employing Alternating Current Electric Fields in An Array of Insulators
Javier Baylon-Cardiel, Ana V. Chávez-Santoscoy, Sergio O. Martínez-Chapa and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas

(334j) Induced-Charge Electrophoresis of Metallodielectric Janus Particles
Sumit Gangwal, Olivier J. Cayre, Martin Z. Bazant and Orlin D. Velev

(334k) Effect of Material Morphology On Optimal Time of Separation of Bio-Molecules
Jyothirmai J. Simhadri, Mario Oyanader, Holly Stretz and Pedro Arce