Microfluidics and Small-Scale Flows III: Technological Advances

Wednesday, November 11, 2009: 3:15 PM
Pres. Boardroom A (Gaylord Opryland Hotel)

This session of contributed talks will focus on microhydrodynamic phenomena in the low-Reynolds number regime. Topics will include studies of flow, particle manipulation, and heat and mass transfer in microfluidic devices.

Fluid Mechanics

James F. Gilchrist
Email: gilchrist@lehigh.edu

Hang Lu
Email: hang.lu@gatech.edu

3:45 PM
(464c) Biomolecular Optical Transport in Nanoscale Slot Waveguides
Allen H. J. Yang, Sean Moore, Brad Schmidt, Matt Klug, Michal Lipson and David Erickson

4:00 PM
(464d) Handling Solids in Microreactors for Continuous-Flow Synthetic Chemistry
Ryan L. Hartman, Nikolay Zaborenko, John R. Naber, Mahmooda Sultana, Stephen L. Buchwald and Klavs F. Jensen

4:45 PM
(464g) Microfluidic Formation of Ionically Crosslinked Polyamine Gels
Gautam C. Kini, Justin Tseng-Sing Lai, Michael Wong and Sibani Lisa Biswal

5:15 PM

5:30 PM
(464j) High Pressure Microfluidics for Studying Supercritical Fluids Microflows Properties
Samuel Marre, Pascale Subra, Cyril Aymonier and Emmanuel Mignard
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals