Polymers as Functional Components of Micro- and Nanodevices

Tuesday, November 10, 2009: 3:15 PM
Delta Ballroom C (Gaylord Opryland Hotel)

This session will highlight research into developing and applying polymer systems as novel functional components of micro- and nanodevices. We seek submissions that apply polymer systems as coatings, actuators, recognition matrices, etc in micro- and nanoscale sensors, fluidic, and other devices. Of particular interest, biological and medical applications will be emphasized.

Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum

James O. Blanchette
Email: blanchej@engr.sc.edu

Julie C. Liu
Email: julieliu@purdue.edu

3:15 PM

3:55 PM

4:15 PM
(321d) Antimicrobial Biomaterials Based On Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) Dispersed with Carbon Nanotubes
Seyma Aslan, Codruta Zoican, Nan Li, Salim Derrouiche, Xiaoming Wang, Seoktae Kang, Menachem Elimelech, Lisa Pfefferle and Paul R. Van Tassel

5:15 PM
(321g) Macroporous Polymer-Based Color Reflective Displays
Hongta Yang, Chih-Hung Sun and Peng Jiang
See more of this Group/Topical: Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum