Wednesday, November 11, 2009: 12:30 PM
Delta Ballroom A (Gaylord Opryland Hotel)
This is a plenary session sponsored by the AIChE Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum (NSEF). The goal is to highlight chemical engineering contributions to nanotechnology. The speakers in this session will provide a broad perspective of chemical engineering principles and contributions to nanotechnology that would be of interest to industrial scientists entering nanotechnology or academic scientists wishing to learn about new research areas. Five distinguished speakers will be invited to cover a range of nanotechnology topics including nanofabrication, nanostructured materials, nanodevices, and bionanotechnology.
Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum
1:30 PM
Using Coarse-grained Computer Simulations to Probe Interactions between Nanoparticles and Lipid Bilayers
See more of this Group/Topical: Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum