Microfluidics and Small-Scale Flows II: Biological Applications

Wednesday, November 11, 2009: 12:30 PM
Pres. Boardroom A (Gaylord Opryland Hotel)

This session of contributed talks will focus on microhydrodynamic phenomena in the low-Reynolds number regime. Topics will include studies of flow, particle manipulation, and heat and mass transfer in microfluidic devices.

Fluid Mechanics

James F. Gilchrist
Email: gilchrist@lehigh.edu

Hang Lu
Email: hang.lu@gatech.edu

1:15 PM
(416d) Rapid Arraying of Particles and Cells in Three-Dimensional Microfluidic Devices
Ramsey Ibrahim Zeitoun, Joanna Mirecki-Mullunchick, Michael J. Solomon and Mark A. Burns

1:30 PM
(416e) Cell and Particle Behavior in Microfluidic Mixers
Alison M. Hirsch, Boyang Zhang and Hang Lu

1:45 PM
(416f) High-Throughput Flow Alignment and Scanning of Barcoded Hydrogel Microparticles
Stephen C. Chapin, Daniel C. Pregibon, David Appleyard and Patrick S. Doyle

2:15 PM
(416h) Hydrodynamic Trap for Single Cells and Particles
Melikhan Tanyeri and Charles M. Schroeder
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals