Particulate and Multiphase Flow II

Monday, November 9, 2009: 3:15 PM
Pres. Boardroom A (Gaylord Opryland Hotel)

This session of contributed talks focuses on theoretical, experimental, and numerical studies on hydrodynamic phenomena in suspensions, slurries, and other dispersed multiphase systems including (but not limited to) solid-liquid, liquid-liquid, or bubbly-liquid systems.

Fluid Mechanics

German Drazer

Nina C. Shapley

3:15 PM
(163a) Turbulent Flow of Dilute Aqueous Suspensions of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes in a Smooth Pipe
Preetinder S. Virk, George W. Pratt, Sergio D. Medina, Victoria E. Lee and Seung Woo Lee

3:30 PM
(163b) Complex Flows of Cellulosic Fiber Suspensions Visualized Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Emilio Tozzi, M. J. McCarthy, S.P. Shoemaker, D. Lavenson and R.L. Powell

3:45 PM

4:00 PM
(163d) Rheology of a Dilute Emulsion of Low-Viscosity Drops at High Shear Rates
Michael Loewenberg, Pieter Jan Antoon Janssen and Patrick D. Anderson

4:45 PM
(163g) Drag Force Formulation in Macroscopic Particle Model and Its Validation
Madhusuden Agrawal, Shinichi Ookawara and Kohei Ogawa

5:00 PM
(163h) A Kinetic Model for a Non-Isothermal Granular Gas with Bi-Disperse Particles
Alberto Passalacqua, Prakash Vedula, Christine M. Hrenya and R. O. Fox
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals