Dynamics and Modeling of Particulate Systems I

Monday, November 9, 2009: 8:30 AM
Jackson C (Gaylord Opryland Hotel)

The session will focus on the advancement of chemical engineers ability to understand, predict, design, and thus optimize particulate systems. Advances in experimental methods, numerical simulations and granular theories have the potential to improve nucleation and aggregation/agglomeration/coalescence dynamics in particulate systems (including solid/liquid and solid/gas) and thus control size and topography (e.g., fractal dimension) of products. Increasing computational power and new numerical/analytical techniques from Applied Mechanics have allowed for increasingly complex particulate systems to be modeled and have set the stage for future work in such diverse areas as mixing/segregation, granulation, fluidization, and pneumatic conveying, to name but a few.

Topical 4: Computational Particle Technology
Particle Technology Forum (03)

Carl R. Wassgren
Email: wassgren@purdue.edu

Vinit Murthy
Email: murthy.v.1@pg.com

8:48 AM
(22b) Multi-Scale Modeling of Particle Flows in Granulators
Ben Freireich, Jianfeng Li, James D. Litster and Carl R. Wassgren

9:24 AM
(22d) Validated DEM Simulations of Wet Granular Matter in a Bladed Mixer
Stefan Radl, Daniel Brandl, Brenda Remy, Benjamin Glasser and Johannes G. Khinast

9:42 AM
(22e) Radial Mixing in Granular Materials in Rotating Cylinders
Suman K. Hajra, Mehrdad Massoudi and D. V. Khakhar

10:18 AM
(22g) Numerical Solution to the Shearing Flow of Granular Materials
Mehrdad Massoudi, D. V. Khakhar and Suman K. Hajra

10:36 AM
(22h) Modeling and Numerical Investigations of Stretching Liquid Bridges
Pirooz Darabi, Tingwen Li, Konstantin Pougatch, Martha Salcudean and Dana Grecov
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical 4: Computational Particle Technology