Mixing in Water Purification and Waste Treatment / Applied Mass Transfer

Thursday, November 12, 2009: 12:30 PM
Bayou C (Gaylord Opryland Hotel)

Water purification and industrial and municipal liquid waste treatment both depend on mixing for process effectiveness. For example, mixing determines the rate of particle aggregation, and thus the size of solid aggregates, which in turn is an important parameter in downstream separation processes including sedimentation, re-suspension and filtration. Mixing is also important in advanced oxidation methods. This session will concentrate on advancements in the mixing aspects of these processes and will also include new work on industrial mass transfer.

North American Mixing Forum
Water (09b)

Wojciech Wyczalkowski
Email: WWYCZALKOWSKI@philadelphiamixers.com

Costas Tsouris
Email: tsourisc@ornl.gov

12:50 PM
(571b) Impeller Design for Anoxic Mixing Services
Wojtek Wyczalkowski, Bob Higbee and Binxin Wu

1:10 PM
(571c) Water and Wastewater Mixing
Michael K. Dawson and David A. R. Brown

1:30 PM
(571d) Low-Order Modeling for the Effective Cleaning Radius of a Pulse Jet Mixer
L. J. Peltier, YoChan Kim, Henry Fitzpatrick, Kelly Knight, Brigette Rosendall, Chris Kennedy and Jon Berkoe

1:50 PM
(571e) Novel Design for a Magnesium-Enhanced Lime Ex-Situ Gypsum Oxidizer
Chris Hibshman, Bob Dowd, Wojtek Wyczalkowski, Kevin Smith, Carl Larid and Julia Darling

2:10 PM
See more of this Group/Topical: North American Mixing Forum