Computational Simulation of Fluidization Dynamics Inside a Biomass Gasifier

Thursday, November 12, 2009: 1:30 PM
Jackson F (Gaylord Opryland Hotel)

Peter Blaser, CPFD Software, LLC, Albuquerque, NM
Ravi Chandran, ThermoChem Recovery International, Inc., Baltimore, MD

Scale-up of biomass gasification technology, from experiments to pilot plants to commercial units, is an involved, time-consuming and expensive process. With advances in modeling and high speed computing, it becomes possible to dovetail experimental and simulation work to enhance the speed as well as reduce the overall cost of technology commercialization. This paper presents a computational model for simulating the complex, three-dimensional, transient, multiphase gas-solids behavior inside a commercial biomass gasification unit using the computational particle fluid dynamics numerical method. Results include complex gas-solids flow phenomena including bed expansion, bubble behavior and solids circulation profiles.
Extended Abstract: File Uploaded