Ionic liquids are interesting alternative process solvents, as they offer highly tunable solvent properties due to their organic nature, and vanishingly-low vapor pressures which minimize fugitive emissions. One of the most promising ways that ionic liquids are being considered for use is in task-specific applications, where one or more of their properties are design to be exploited to optimize a particular process.
We have synthesized a series of novel task-specific ionic liquids that were designed with properties (solvent properties, melting point, etc.) in mind to optimize their use in specific reactions, separations and materials applications, some of which are significantly above ambient conditions. We have measured the properties of interest, including melting points (and glass-transition temperature when appropriate), densities and viscosities of the pure species as well as the phase behavior, including mixture melting points and cloud points, with other ionic liquids, gases and organic species. Some of these ionic liquids show properties that mimic the biological molecules from which they were derived and others show potential for use in the medical field. Our results indicate that some of the most promising applications may involve mixtures of ionic liquids where multiple properties may be tuned simultaneously to give optimal results for reactions and separations.
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals