High-Throughput, Ultrafast Synthesis of Solution Dispersed High-Quality Graphene Via a Novel Hydride Chemistry: Raman Spectra and Electrical Gating

Thursday, November 12, 2009: 10:35 AM
Ryman C (Gaylord Opryland Hotel)

Nihar Mohanty, Chemical Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
Ashvin Nagaraja, Electrical Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
Jose Armesto, Chemical Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
Vikas Berry, Chemical Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS

In this talk, we will present a study of a novel process for synthesis of organic-phase stabilized graphene by instantaneous reduction of graphene-oxide (GO) in hydrides at high-throughput. Synthesis of such solution-dispersed graphene is important for large-scale production of graphene and for its applications in building graphene-films, FETs, etc. The current dispersion-production-processes employ toxic chemicals, are low in yield or take several days to complete. The route presented in this talk is ultrafast (few seconds), uses commonly available, low-toxicity chemicals, has a high yield of ~ 68 % and shows a significant reduction in the sp3 bonds as confirmed by Raman spectra. We will also demonstrate that thus-produced single graphene sheets exhibit high carrier mobilities of 50-200 cm2/V/s. The high-throughput processing time-scale, high stability of graphene dispersion, benignity of the reagents and low-cost will enable expedited research and incorporation of graphene into next-generation graphene technologies & applications.
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