With the availability of efficient and reliable dynamic simulation software, chemical processes are increasingly described by detailed, typically nonlinear dynamic models. Moreover, it is often desirable to optimize such dynamic models for the purpose of designing dynamic chemical processes, controlling dynamic responses to disturbances, or fitting model parameters to experimental data. Unfortunately, it is well known that dynamic models for chemical processes are pathologically nonconvex and often optimization problems with such models embedded have multiple sub-optimal local minima. Yet, in many applications it is imperative that the global optimum is found. At the very least, there are potentially large economic losses associated with implementing a sub-optimal design or control strategy for a chemical process. Moreover, sub-optimal solutions are unfit as feasibility tests for dynamic problems, where one wishes to minimize the violation of a process constraint representing environmental regulations or unsafe operating conditions. In parameter estimation problems, the possibility of finding sub-optimal solutions prevents concrete conclusions from being drawn about the validity of a model through statistical significance tests. In spite of the need for global solutions for many dynamic optimization problems, existing algorithms can only find guaranteed global optima for dynamic problems of modest size with reasonable computational effort. This work describes an improved algorithm for the global solution of optimization problems with ordinary differential equations (ODEs) embedded, which is enabled by a novel method for constructing convex and concave relaxations for the solutions of these differential equations.
Procedures for constructing a convex underestimating function (convex relaxation) for given a function are central to many algorithms for global optimization. Since convex functions have the property that every local minimum is a global minimum, these procedures may be used to find a rigorous lower bound on the global solution of an optimization problem, which may be used in conjunction with a spatial branch-and-bound algorithm to find the global optimum by solving a sequence of convex sub-problems. For functions which can be written explicitly in terms of binary arithmetic operations and standard univariate functions, such as powers, exponentials and trigonometric functions, many methods exist for constructing convex underestimating functions. However, none of these methods are directly applicable to dynamic optimization problems because the functions involved are not only functions of the decision variables, but also of the state variables described by the embedded ODEs, and the dependence of the state variables on the decision variables is not known explicitly, except for very simple dynamic models. Due to existing methods, the task of generating convex sub-problems for dynamic optimization problems can be reduced to the task of deriving both convex and concave relaxations for the state variables themselves with respect to the decision variables. There exist a small number of methods in the literature which can accomplish this, yet all of these are unsatisfactory because either the resulting convex and concave functions poorly approximate the dependence of the state variables on the decision variables, resulting in many iterations of the branch-and-bound algorithm and long computation times, or the relaxations themselves are expensive to compute. Furthermore, the majority of these methods are only capable of producing affine or constant underestimators and overestimators for the state variables, as opposed to general convex and concave relaxations, which is a large source of weakness for these methods when applied to sufficiently nonlinear ODEs.
A novel theory is presented to construct convex and concave relaxations for the parametric solutions of a general system of system ODEs. The parameters of interest may specify initial conditions and/or appear in the right-hand side functions of the differential equations. Sufficient conditions on the right-hand side functions and initial conditions of an auxiliary system of ODEs are identified which ensure that the solutions of this auxiliary system are convex and concave relaxations of the state variables of the original system over a given interval of parameter values, for each fixed value of the independent variable. Furthermore, a constructive procedure is given for generating such an auxiliary system given an arbitrary system of ODEs under standard existence and uniqueness assumptions. This procedure is based on a novel extension of McCormick's relaxation theory, which is computationally inexpensive and easily automatable. Finally, it is proven that using these relaxations in conjunction with a spatial branch-and-bound procedure results in an algorithm which is guaranteed to locate the global optimum of a dynamic optimization problem to within any given tolerance in finitely many iterations.
This relaxation theory has several advantages over previous efforts. First, the relaxations generated by this method are generally nonlinear convex and concave functions as opposed to affine or constant functions, so it is possible to generate good approximations for highly nonlinear dynamic systems. Indeed, preliminary experiments with this method show that the relaxations are nearly always tighter than those generated by other methods. Moreover, these relaxations are inexpensive to evaluate as compared to evaluating the original state variables. In particular, it requires the numerical solution of a system of ODEs which is four times larger than the original. Finally, it is simple to generate the required auxiliary ODE system computationally by using the operator overloading capabilities of any object-oriented programming language. Due to the effectiveness of this new approach, it is expected that larger, more practical dynamic optimization problems can be solved to global optimality using these relaxations than with previously developed methods.
See more of this Group/Topical: Computing and Systems Technology Division