AIChE - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions



How do I login/access my Paper/Session/Area/Group/Topical?

What are the different levels of users in the AIChE Confex System and what does each have access to?

I am a group, topical, area, or session chair for an AIChE meeting, and there are certain functions I can't see on the abstract or session control panel that I'm usually able to access. What should I do?


What is the Abstract Control Panel (ACP)?

What is the "Call for Papers" (i.e. Call for Proposals to Present) and where can I find it?

How do I revise my Paper Title?

How do I revise an author's name/contact information?

What is the difference between my PTP Abstract Text and my Extended Abstract?

How do I revise my PTP Abstract Text?

How do I upload an "Extended Abstract"?

How do I confirm my "Extended Abstract" was uploaded?

How do I revise my "Extended Abstract"?

When will I be notified of the acceptance/rejection of my submission?

How does the Final Numbering of Abstracts work?


What is the Session Control Panel (SCP)?

How do I change the sponsor or co-sponsor(s) for my session?

How do I change a Session Title?

How do I enter/edit my Session Description/Overview?

How do I revise a Session Chair's/CoChair's name/contact information?

How do I accept/reject a paper?

How many papers should I accept to my session?

How do I arrange the accepted papers within my session and assign durations to them, and when do I do this?

How do I transfer a paper out of my session?

How do I add new a paper to my Session?

How can I add breaks to my session?

What is the "General Papers Pool/Available Papers" and how do I utilize it?

How do I delete a paper from my session?

How does the Final Numbering of Sessions work?

How does the Cosponsoring of Sessions work?

How do sessions get those IDs assigned to the beginning of the title?


What is the Area Control Panel?

How can I change the title of my area?

How can I add sessions to my area?

How can I change the primary sponsorship designation of my session?

Sessions from other areas have been submitted with my area as a co-sponsor. How can I reject this co-sponsorship?


What is the Program Control Panel (PCP)?

What are "Program Chairs" and how do I add/edit/delete them?

How do I change a Topical Title?

How do I add a session to my Group/Topical?

How do I request a new Topical Conference?


How do I login/access my Paper/Session/Area/Group/Topical?

Users access the AIChE Confex System via the "User Portal". The User Portal is an area that will list each item within the AIChE Confex System that you are associated with. Thus if you are a Session Chair of two sessions and have submitted three papers as an author, then the Portal will list all five of those items. Furthermore, the default view of the portal will be the meeting in which you signed in under (i.e. if you sign in under the 2005 Annual Meeting the default items shown will be those of the 2005 Annual Meeting). However, at the bottom of your portal page you can choose to view items from any AIChE Meeting.

To log in to your portal simply follow the link below:

What are the different levels of users in the AIChE Confex System and what does each have access to?

I am a group, topical, area, or session chair for an AIChE meeting, and there are certain functions I can't see on the abstract or session control panel that I'm usually able to access. What should I do?

Please make sure you are logged in using the appropriate password for the level of access (group/topical chair, area chair, session chair, or author) you are looking to obtain. Certain program level functions are not availible with a session level password, and certain session level functions are not available with an abstract level password. Also, certain deadlines may apply to a lower level password that are not applicable for higher levels of access.

To ensure that you are logged in using the correct level of access, please sign in using our user portal. Instructions can be found in the FAQ by clicking here. Once you are logged in to portal, if you wish to log in to use program-level functions, click the appropriate link in the list of programs for which you are a chair. If you wish to log in to use session-level functions, click the appropriate link in the list of session for which you are a session chair.


What is the Abstract Control Panel (ACP)?

The Abstract Control Panel, or ACP for short, is an Author's means of submitting an abstract to an AIChE Meeting. Once logged in to the Abstract Control Panel (via the User Portal or CFP Page) a user can:

What is the "Call for Papers" (i.e. Call for Proposals to Present) and where can I find it?

The Call for Papers page is just that, the main call to submit abstracts for the current AIChE meeting. This page lists all available and relevant instructions for potential authors and has a link to view the preliminary program and log in to an existing abstract. The CFP page can be found at:

How do I revise my Paper Title?

If, after you have submitted your abstract, you need to revise your title for any reason you can easily do so by:

How do I revise an author's name/contact information?

If, after you have submitted your abstract, you need to revise an author's name or contact information you can easily do so by:

What is the difference between my PTP Abstract Text and my Extended Abstract?

The PTP Abstract Text is generally a brief description of your paper/research that you submit to the AIChE Confex System. This PTP Abstract Text is used by session chairs in the review of your paper and in the decision to accept or reject that paper. The PTP Abstract has a word limit of 1500 words. For some authors, the PTP Abstract is written in a way that it can be used as an extended abstract or Presentation Record.

The Extended Abstract is your full paper/research, which is uploaded to the system as either a Word Doc, PDF or Power point file. Only accepted papers may upload an Extended Abstract and only during the Extended Abstract submission dates. The Extended Abstract is used on the AIChE Conference Proceedings CD instead of the PTP Abstract.

How do I revise my PTP Abstract Text?

If, after you have submitted your PTP abstract, you need to revise your PTP Abstract Text you can easily do so by:

How do I upload an "Extended Abstract"?

Extended Abstracts can only be uploaded during the Extended Abstract Upload Process and even then only ACCEPTED papers may upload a file. Click on the link provided below and follow the instructions to submit your paper:

IMPORTANT: Topical Authors must follow specific instructions sent/posted by Topical Conference Chairs. Session Chairs and Topical Conference Chairs need to obtain abstract ID and password in order to upload any papers on behalf of their authors.

How do I confirm my "Extended Abstract" was uploaded?

After uploading your extended abstract you can tell that it has been successfully uploaded by clicking on the "View Submission" link in the ACP. This will list your entire submission, and if you have uploaded an extended abstract the second part of this page will be labeled "Extended Abstract" followed by "Your uploaded file(s):" and underneath that will be your file. As an added check, you can click on your file to open it up and view what was uploaded.

Furthermore, the following day you can check the Preliminary Program and within your paper listing it should display "Extended Abstract Status: File Uploaded". If you have not uploaded your file, this will display "Extended Abstract Status: Not Uploaded". Note that the Preliminary Program updates only once per day, so you will not see this until the day after you upload your extended abstract.

How do I revise my "Extended Abstract"?

If, after you have uploaded your extended abstract, you need to revise the uploaded file you can easily do so by:

When will I be notified of the acceptance/rejection of my submission?

Acceptance and rejection letters are sent out roughly three months before the meeting starts. Thus, for the AIChE Spring Meeting, notices are sent sometime around February, while for the Annual Meeting they are sent sometime around August. Note that these are just rough dates and will vary meeting to meeting. Session chairs may also send personal acceptance letters promptly after the abstract closing deadline and after they have decided on the papers that they are accepting.

How does the Final Numbering of Abstracts work?

Final Paper (Abstract) Numbers are based off "Final Session Numbers". Each paper within a session is given a letter, starting with the letter "a", based off the order of the papers within the session. Then these letters are preceded by the final session number of that session (i.e. The 1st three papers of session 31 will be 31a, 31b and 31c).

Final Paper Numbers are frozen material is sent to the printer (for creation of program book ) or Omnipress (for creation of CD-ROM proceedings). Once this is done the Final Paper Numbers are locked and can not be changed. Thus, if there is a last minute addition, withdrawal, transfer, etc... then the paper numbers may look slightly different than explained above.


What is the Session Control Panel (SCP)?

The Session Control Panel, or SCP for short, is a Session Chair's means of accessing their session for an AIChE Meeting. Once logged in to the Session Control Panel a user can:

How do I change the sponsor or co-sponsor(s) for my session?

Session chairs and co-chairs may not revise this information; it may only be edited by group, topical, or area chairs. Please consult with the appropriate chair for your group/topical or area if you would like to change the sponsorship information for your session.

How do I change a Session Title?

You may revise this information by clicking the "Setup Session" step in the session submission process.

How do I enter/edit my Session Description/Overview?

You may revise this information by clicking the "Setup Session" step in the session submission process. Please be sure to limit your description to 100 words or less.

How do I revise a Chair's/CoChair's name/contact information?

If, after your session has been added, you need to revise a Chair's/CoChair's name or contact information you can easily do so by:

How do I accept/reject a paper?

Once logged in to your session, follow these instructions:

Note: Only papers of poor/lacking quality should be rejected. Any other papers that do not fit within your session (i.e. wrong topic, no room, etc...) should be transferred to either another appropriate paper session or to the "General Paper Pool".

How many papers should I accept to my session?

Note: The following times are a general guide only and not an absolute truth.

For the AIChE Annual meeting, the technical program generally consists of three 150-minute time slots from Monday through Friday as follows:

Lunch-time keynote addresses will be held from 11:15 am to 12:15 pm, including questions.

For the AIChE Spring Meeting, the technical program is generally more flexible and most days only consist of two 150-minute time slots.

Individual symposia style session paper lengths are not mandated by EBPC (although individual Programming Groups or Topical Chairs may establish rules to ensure a uniform format). The most popular formats are six to seven papers at 25 minutes or seven to eight papers at 20 minute paper slots. The default time placed into Confex is 25 minutes.

It is possible that a particular session may get way more papers than they can accept. If this is the case contact your Area or Topical Chair to add extra sessions (if possible) for you numbering as I, II, etc. Area or Topical Chairs (and sometimes session chairs themselves) coordinate the extra session needs and transfer the info to MPC for additional session request. One should arrange the papers only after the new sessions are created.

How do I arrange the accepted papers within my session and assign durations to them, and when do I do this?

Once all papers have been accepted/rejected within your session you will be able to change the order of the accepted papers along with assigning the duration for each one. Once logged in to your session, follow these instructions:

How do I transfer a paper out of my session?

If a good abstract does not fit in your session, you may transfer it to an appropriate session or to the "General Paper Pool". Once logged in to your session, follow these instructions:

IMPORTANT: If you accept an abstract that has been transferred to your session, notify the author.

How do I add new a paper to my Session?

Once logged in to your session, using the "Add" link under "Papers" in the left-hand Session Control Panel you can add papers to your session for an author.

How can I add breaks to my session?

To add an Introduction, Break or Closing Remark to your session, click on the "Non-Paper Events" link in the left-hand control panel.

Note that Non-Paper Events will minus time from your allocated 150 minutes. It is recommended that you to have six 25 minute papers in your session, which leaves no room for these Non-Paper Events.

What is the "General Papers Pool/Available Papers" and how do I utilize it?

The General Paper Pool/Available Papers is a place where session chairs/cochairs may transfer papers to that they feel are worthy for presentation, do not fit into their particular session, but do not know where/who to transfer it to. Transferring a paper to the General Paper Pool makes it available for ALL session chairs to view and transfer into their own session. Note that the General Paper Pool is first come first serve. Also note that new papers will likely be transferred to the General Papers Pool during the entire review process, so you should check back often for new papers to add to your session.

Session Chairs will receive an email notice with instructions on how to use the General Papers Pool when it becomes available for each meeting.

How do I delete a paper from my session?

At the specific request by an author, papers can be withdrawn by clicking the "Withdraw" link in the ACP of that paper. However, as a Session Chair/CoChair you should never withdraw an author's abstract unless specifically asked to do so. Session Chairs/CoChairs should either "reject" unwanted abstracts or "transfer" them to another session. The "General Papers Pool" is a good place to transfer good but unused submissions.

How does the Final Numbering of Sessions work?

Final Session Numbers are based off the scheduling of the meeting. Each session is given a number, starting with the number 1, based off its chronological order in the meeting.

Final Paper Numbers are frozen when material is sent to the printer for creation of program book and Omnipress for creation of CD-ROM proceedings. Once this is done the Final Session Numbers are locked and cannot be changed. Thus, if there is a last-minute change (addition, withdrawal, rescheduling, etc...), then the session numbers may look slightly different than explained above.

How do I add co sponsoring to my session?

Session chairs are not permitted to add co-sponsors to their session or edit any of the other information on the "setup session" page. This information may only be revised at the group/topical chair level or higher.

How do sessions get those IDs assigned to the beginning of the title?

Sessions are assigned a five digit code when they are added to a Program. The first two digits represent the program, the third respresents the track within the program, and the fourth and fifth digits represent the session number. This session number is assigned by program volunteers, so it won't show up immediately. When the session is first entered, you will probably see the numbers '00' at the end of the code. This number will be adjusted.


What is the Area Control Panel?

The Area Control Panel is an Area Chair's means of accessing their area for an AIChE Meeting. Once logged in to the Area Control Panel a user can:

How can I change the title of my area?

Areas are an integral part of AIChE's organizational structure. As a result, their titles, codes, and descriptions may not be edited by area chairs.

How can I add sessions to my area?

Simply click the "Add" link under "Sessions" in the left hand navigation bar of your area control panel. This will take you to a new area submission. Select co-sponsors for your sessions (this is optional: there is an option to check off "none" on this step). Additionally, be sure to submit a title, presentation format (oral or poster), description, submitter's email address (which would be your own email address), and session chair and co-chair information. Repeat this process for all the sessions you wish to add to your area.

How can I change the primary sponsorship designation of my session?

AIChE area chairs may not edit the primary sponsorship designation of new or existing sessions within the system. You may only submit new sessions to the area for which you are a chair. However, feel free to select as many other areas as you would like as co-sponsors for sessions.

Sessions from other areas have been submitted with my area as a co-sponsor. How can I reject this co-sponsorship?

Log in to your area, and then click the "Arrange" link under "Sessions." This will bring you to a page which lists all of the sessions that are either sponsored or co-sponsored by your area. There is a column labeled "withdraw sponsorship." Click the trash can in that column for the respective co-sponsored sessions you wish not to sponsor. A message will display asking you to confirm that you would like to remove this session from your area. Click "Remove from Area" to confirm this action and withdraw your sponsorship of this session.

NOTE: If your area is the primary sponsor of a session, you may not remove your sponsorship. If you wish to withdraw the session from the conference entirely, click the link to the session and then click the "withdraw" link in the session control panel.


What is the Program Control Panel (PCP)?

The Program (or Group) Control Panel, or PCP for short, is the main access to the AIChE Meeting for Group, Area AND Topical Chairs. Currently all four roles access the system in the same way and all have the same functionality available to them. Once logged in to the Program Control Panel a user can:

What are "Program Chairs" and how do I add/edit/delete them?

Program Chairs encompass Group and Topical Chairs. The role of Program Chair allows a user access to the Program Control Panel.

If your name should not be programmed into the Confex system please add in the first and last names and contact information (affiliation and e-mail address) of the correct chair and/or chairs (or you may find that they are already listed - in which case you need do nothing).

If you need to delete yourself, you may do so by clicking on "delete" which will appear below each program chair’s name. If you add a program chair to the system, and email will be automatically generated and sent to him or her with a link to the appropriate Group or Topical. This email will contain a direct link to the PCP as well as a username and password so the new chair can log in at any time.

How do I change a Topical Title?

To change the Title of your Topical you must go through AIChE Staff. Simply send an email to to request the change. Be sure to include the Meeting, Current Topical Title and New Topical Title in your email.

How do I add a session to my Group/Topical?

Once logged in to your program, you will be in the Program Control Panel (PCP). In the left hand control-panel, under "Sessions", click the "Add" link to request sessions. Use this same link to enter the title, session description, primary sponsor, cosponsor (this is optional- if there is no cosponsor, select 'None'), and chairs/co-chairs of each session. Notice that this link will bring you to a new "Session" window. Simply follow the on-screen instructions from there. In this new Session window you will now see a Session Control Panel. When you are done entering a session, just close that window to return to the Program Window. It is also important to note that sometimes some chairs/co-chairs don’t know that they are coordinating a particular session, and thus it is important that they are contacted before their names go in the Confex system.

NOTE: During the PTP Abstract Submission process your access to add a new session to your group/topical may be removed. If you do not see the "Add" link under "Sessions" then please contact the Meeting Program Chair with your request.

How do I request a new Topical Conference?

Groups which will be proposing new topicals will first need to submit the Topical's title and its Chair and Co-Chair names and full contact information (be sure to include the name of the meeting you are requesting this for) along with a brief description of the Topical including its importance and the rationale for organizing the Topical to the Meeting Program Chair. Meeting Program Chair information can be found at (You should cc on this email.)

Once this is done, and the new Topical is created, the designated Topical Chair(s) will receive a separate e-mail with instructions and they will then be able to submit sessions to their Topical Conference.