Tuesday, November 18, 2008: 3:15 PM-5:45 PM
307-A (Pennsylvania Convention Center)

Interfacial Phenomena (01c)

#347 - Fundamentals of Interfacial Phenomena III (01C24)
Chair:H. Michael Cheung
Cochairs:Joelle Frechette
Seong H. Kim
3:15 PMIntroductory Remarks
3:20 PMOscillations In An Evaporating Meniscus
Arya Chatterjee, Joel L. Plawsky, Peter C. Wayner Jr.
3:40 PMLiquid-Vapor Density Profiles from Equilibrium Limit of Diffusion Equation for Interacting Particles
Yiming Chen, Gregory Aranovich, Marc D. Donohue
4:00 PMApparent Microrheology of Oil-Water Interfaces
Chih-yuan Wu, Jian Wu, Lenore L. Dai
4:20 PMSpectral and Morphological Characterization of a Vapor-Deposited Thin Silica Film
A. Anderson, W. Robert Ashurst
4:40 PMAdhesion and Detachment Mechanisms of Polymer Thin Films
Hongbo Zeng, Jacob N. Israelachvili, Matthew Tirrell, L. Gary Leal
5:00 PMStructure and Crystallization of Bidisperse Repulsive Colloids In Two Dimensional (2D) Space
Jaehyun Hur, Bryce D. Sturtevant, Korosh Torabi, David S. Corti, You-Yeon Won
5:20 PMElectrophoretic Migration of Proteins In Semi-Dilute Polymer Solutions
Anubhav Tripathi, Gloria Oliver, Chritina Simpson, Matthew B. Kerby, Anuj Chauhan
5:40 PMConcluding Remarks

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