Tuesday, November 18, 2008: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Room 107-A (Pennsylvania Convention Center)

Engineering Fundamentals in Life Science (15d)

#275 - Cell Adhesion and Migration II (15D20)
Cell adhesion and migration
Chair:Cynthia Reinhart-King
CoChair:Omolola Eniola-Adefeso
12:30 PMEthanol-Induced Changes In Neutrophil Membrane Tether Mechanics and Adhesion Molecule Expression Depend on Cellular Cholesterol Levels
Hana Oh, Scott L. Diamond
12:50 PMEnrichment of CD34+ Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells from Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood Using a P-Selectin-Coated Microtube
Srinivas Narasipura, Joel Wojciechowski, Nichola Charles, Jane Liesveld, Michael King
1:10 PMEffect of Fluid Induced Shear on Biofilm Accumulation, Erosion and Cell Adhesion of Staphylococcus Aureus
Patrick Ymele-Leki, Julia M. Ross
1:30 PMQuantitative Analysis of Fibroblast Focal Adhesions
Ehsan Jabbarzadeh, Anand R. Asthagiri
1:50 PMBreak
2:00 PMComputational Investigation of How Integrin Clustering Affects Cell Adhesion and Migration
Erik S. Welf, Ulhas P. Naik, Babatunde A. Ogunnaike
2:20 PMDynamics of Contractile Stress Fiber Turnover Inside Living Cells
Richard B. Dickinson, Robert Russell, Kristen Lee, Tanmay Lele
2:40 PMA Cell Migration Model Based on Cell Adhesion and Elasticity
Mahnaz Eskandari, Eric M. Brey, Megan E. Francis, Arsun Artel, Ali Cinar

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