Tuesday, November 18, 2008: 3:15 PM-5:45 PM
Room 204-C (Pennsylvania Convention Center)

Topical J: InterAmerican Confederation of Chemical Engineering – featured sessions from 23rd IACChE Congress (TJ)

#337 - Chemical Engineering Education In North, Central, and South America: Latest Developments (TJ002)
This session will focus on the growth of chemical engineering training at universities and technical institutes in North, Central, and South American regions and the Caribbean. In recent times, the annual number of chemical engineering graduates has increased immensely. These young engineers are currently leading improvements in the chemical industry. Also, many graduates are developing careers in research in their own countries and abroad. The instruction of chemical engineers in Latin America is changing due to professors and societal demands. This dynamic area in chemical engineering has unusual expectations for the near future.
Chair:J. Alberto Bandoni
CoChair:Pedro E. Arce
3:15 PMChemical Engineering Education Trends in Latin America
Tom R. Marrero
3:40 PMArticulated Experiences in Pilot Plant
Eleonora Erdmann, Lorgio Mercado, Liliana Ale Ruiz, Adolfo Riveros Zapata
4:05 PMNanobiotechnology Education and Outreach at the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering: A Molecular Frontier in Chemical Engineering
Yubing Xie, Nathaniel C. Cady, Diana Martin
4:30 PMNew Tools for Teaching Thermodynamics
J. Richard Elliott, Carl T. Lira

See more of Topical J: InterAmerican Confederation of Chemical Engineering – featured sessions from 23rd IACChE Congress

See more of The 2008 Annual Meeting