Tuesday, November 18, 2008: 8:30 AM-11:00 AM
Salon B (Marriott Philadelphia Downtown)

Topical 6: AIChE Centennial: Chemical Engineering Education: Past and Future (T6)

#191 - 200 Years of Chemical Engineering Pedagogy: Reflecting on the Past, Designing the Future (T6012)
This session features invited talks by distinguished names in chemical engineering pedagogy. Speakers will discuss the progression of chemical engineering education, from the introduction of the unit operations model to the incorporation of teamwork and active learning, looking forward to the Next Big Innovation. The session will conclude with a panel session where the speakers collectively consider the problem of designing a process whereby first-year college students are transformed into working chemical engineers.
Chair:Margot A.-S. Vigeant
CoChair:Dana E. Knox
CoSponsor(s):Education (04)
8:30 AMIntroductory Remarks
8:32 AMThe History of Chemical Engineering and Pedagogy: The Paradox of Tradition and Innovation
Phillip C. Wankat
9:00 AMThe Future of Chemical Engineering and Pedagogy: The Paradox of Irresistible Forces and Immovable Professors
Richard M. Felder
9:28 AMPedagogy and Some Factors That Influence How We Facilitate Student Learning
Donald R. Woods
9:56 AM200 Years of Chemical Engineering Education: The Need for Both Scholarly Teaching and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Michael J. Prince
10:24 AMPanel Discussion

See more of Topical 6: AIChE Centennial: Chemical Engineering Education: Past and Future

See more of The 2008 Annual Meeting