Monday, November 17, 2008: 9:00 AM-11:00 AM
Exhibit Hall A (Pennsylvania Convention Center)

Education (04)

#57 - Educational Software Demonstrations (04009)
This is a poster session to highlight new software advances in chemical engineering education.
Chair:Jason M. Keith
CoChair:James P. Abulencia
CoSponsor(s):Topical 6: AIChE Centennial: Chemical Engineering Education: Past and Future (T6)
Providing An Industry-Relevant Perspective to the Process Control Curriculum with Simulation Tools
Douglas Cooper, Rachelle Howard
The Polymath-Excel-Matlab (PEM) Problem Solving System
Michael B. Cutlip, Mordechai Shacham, Michael Elly
Using Process Simulators in the Study, Design and Control of Distillation Columns for Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Courses
Iván Dario Gil Chaves, Tomás Castrellón, Diana Carolina Botia Gil
Real Labs Operated Remotely 24/7
Jim Henry
Superpro Designer: An Interactive Software Tool for Designing and Evaluating Integrated Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Processes
Nirupam Pal, Charles Siletti, Demetri Petrides
Simulations for Inquiry-Based Experimentation in Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
Margot A.-S. Vigeant, Michael J. Prince, Gavin MacInnes

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