Monday, November 17, 2008: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Franklin 7 (Marriott Philadelphia Downtown)

Education (04)

#84 - Free Forum on Engineering Education 2 (04006)
A wide range of education related papers will be presented.
Chair:Valerie L. Young
CoChair:Marcel A. Liauw
CoSponsor(s):Topical 6: AIChE Centennial: Chemical Engineering Education: Past and Future (T6)
12:30 PMChemical Engineering Undergraduate Curriculum Reform, Development and Assessment: a "Strings" Approach
Lale Yurttas, Larissa Pchenitchnaia
12:51 PMForging Links Between Chemical/Bioengineering Programs and Middle School and High School Math/Science Programs
Richard Zollars, Donald C. Orlich
1:12 PMTexts for the 21st Century
Carl R. F. Lund
1:33 PMPreliminary Testing of a .Net Based Educational Heat Transfer Simulator
Peyton C. Richmond, Sidney Lin
1:54 PMConcepts of Nanoscience for Non-Scientists
Tamara Floyd-Smith, David Baah, James Bradley, Michelle Sidler, Rosine Hall, Christine Curtis
2:15 PMMoral Theory, Ethics and Economics: Decision-Making Tools
Eric L. Maase
2:36 PMStrategies for Improving the Recruitment and Retention Rates of Women and Minority Students in Chemical Engineering
Felecia Nave

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