Tuesday, November 18, 2008: 8:30 AM-11:00 AM
Room 113-C (Pennsylvania Convention Center)

Topical C: Fuel Cells and Alternative Fuel Systems (TC)

#219 - Fuel Cell Portable Power Systems I (TC006)
This session is on portable power systems using fuel cells.
Chair:R. S. Besser
CoChair:Woo Cheol Shin
8:30 AMIntroductory Remarks
8:35 AMInnovative Autothermal Reforming Using Hydrogen Peroxide as Oxidant for Portable Fuel Cells
In Hyuk Son, Woo Cheol Shin, Sung Chul Lee, Jin Goo Ahn, Ju Yong Kim, In Seob Song
8:57 AMMicroplasma Reforming of Hydrocarbons
Peter J. Lindner, R.S. Besser
9:19 AMMiniature Reformer Design for Autothermal Reforming of Methanol to Generate Hydrogen for Portable Power Applications
Vinay K. Vadlamudi, Srinivas Palanki
9:41 AMDesulfurization of Liquid Fuels by Adsorption for Fuel Cell Applications
Ambalavanan Jayaraman, Gokhan Alptekin, Margarita Dubovik, Matthew Schaefer, John Monroe, Kristin Bradley
10:03 AMBreak 1
10:08 AMImproved Thermal Management of H2O2 Decomposition for a Compact SOFC Oxidant Source
Elizabeth A. Lennon, A. Alan Burke, R. S. Besser
10:30 AMA Hybrid-Silicon Miniature Hydrogen Fuel Cell for Portable Power Generation
Robert D. Morgan, Kevin Y. Lin, Hee Soo Kim, Bogdan Gurau, Mark Shannon, Richard I. Masel
10:52 AMBreak 2

See more of Topical C: Fuel Cells and Alternative Fuel Systems

See more of The 2008 Annual Meeting