Thursday, November 20, 2008: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Congress C Room (Loews Philadelphia Hotel)

Energetics (03e)

#666 - Processing and Safety (03E02)
The session will cover the rheology and processing of energetic materials, using conventional and novel processing technologies. The scope includes the mathematical modeling and simulation of the processing operation, experimental studies, process control, structure versus the processing history relationships, and various factors which govern the safety of the process, including the conditions which give rise to demixing, segregation, and formation of hot spots.
Chair:Dilhan Kalyon
CoChair:Suzanne Prickett
12:30 PMEnergetic Materials, What Are They?
Bruce Cranford Jr., PE
12:55 PMHistory of Energetic Materials
Boyd Hill
1:20 PMIncorporation of Pressure Dependent Wall Slip to the Simulation of the Continuous Processing of Energetic Suspensions
Dilhan Kalyon, Moinuddin Malik
1:45 PMPrediction of Conditions Under Which Flow Instabilities Are Onset to Give Rise to Extrudate Distortions during the Extrusion of Highly Filled Energetic Suspensions
Suzanne Prickett, Hansong Tang, Halil Gevgilili, Dilhan Kalyon
2:10 PMTwin Screw Extrusion Processing of a Nanoalumina Based Formulation in Conjunction with a Molding Powder Preparation Methodology
Rajen Patel, Paul Redner, Halil Gevgilili, Dilhan Kalyon
2:35 PMInverse Problem Solution of Squeeze, Rectangular Slit, Steady Torsional and Capillary Flows to Enable the Determination of Parameters of Wall Slip and Shear Viscosity for Energetic Suspensions
Hansong Tang, Halil Gevgilili, Dilhan Kalyon

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