Wednesday, November 19, 2008: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Congress C Room (Loews Philadelphia Hotel)

Energetics (03e)

#491 - Nano-Energetic Materials (03E01)
This session aims to encompass research in the area of the formation of reactive nanoparticles and their application in energetic systems. Contributions are solicited addressing both experimental and theoretical aspects of reaction kinetics, processing, and characterization of energetic materials involving nanoreactants.
Chair:Jan Puszynski
CoChair:Bruce Cranford, PE
12:30 PMSize Resolved Kinetics of Nickel Nanoparticle Oxidation
Lei Zhou, A. Rai, N. Piekiel, X. Ma, Michael Zachariah
12:50 PMPreparation and Characterization of Metal-Bound Hybrid Reactive Particles
Alexandre Ermoline, Mirko Schoenitz, Mikhaylo A. Trunov, Edward L. Dreizin
1:10 PMReactive Nanocomposite Materials Prepared by Cryogenic Milling
Carlo Badiola, Edward L. Dreizin, Mirko Schoenitz, Xiaoying Zhu
1:30 PMEffect of Mechanical Activation on Reaction Kinetics In Gasless Heterogeneous Systems
Jeremiah D.E. White, Alexander S. Mukasyan
1:50 PMMechanical Alloying and Reactive Milling In a High Energy Planetary Mill
Xianjin Jiang, Mikhaylo A. Trunov, Mirko Schoenitz, Rajesh Dave, Edward L. Dreizin
2:10 PMPyrophoric Films Based on Nano-Sized Iron
Zac Doorenbos, Alok Vats, Jan Puszynski, Rajesh Shende, Deepak Kapoor, Darold Martin, Chris Haines
2:30 PMDirected Release of Chemical Energy In Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Films
Wonjoon Choi, Michael S. Strano

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