Wednesday, November 19, 2008: 8:30 AM-11:00 AM
Room 105-A (Pennsylvania Convention Center)

Interfacial Phenomena (01c)

#400 - Colloidal Assembly and Fabrication I - Anisotropic Particles (01C18)
Contributed talks in the area of Colloidal Assembly and Fabrication which deal with the fabrication of anisotropic particles.
Chair:Ilona Kretzschmar
CoChair:Ryan C. Hayward
8:30 AMFluidic Assembly and Packing of Microspheres In Confined Channels
Christopher R. Iacovella, Siva A. Vanapalli, Kyung Eun Sung, Deshpremy Mukhija, Joanna Mirecki Millunchick, Mark A. Burns, Michael J. Solomon, Sharon C. Glotzer
8:50 AMSemipermeable Colloidosomes from Double Emulsions
Daeyeon Lee, David A. Weitz
9:10 AMMicrofluidic Synthesis of Non-Spherical Polymeric Colloids with Tunable Deformability
Ramin Haghgooie, Mehmet Toner, Patrick Doyle
9:30 AMSupra-Structures through Directed Assembly of Microgels In Droplets
Rhutesh K. Shah, David A. Weitz
9:50 AMFabrication of Stable, Single-Hole Capsules Using Particle Lithography
Huda A. Jerri, Darrell Velegol
10:10 AMMultifunctional Patchy Particles by Glancing Angle Deposition Technique
Amar B. Pawar, Ilona Kretzschmar

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