Tuesday, November 18, 2008: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
307-A (Pennsylvania Convention Center)

Interfacial Phenomena (01c)

#288 - Fundamentals of Interfacial Phenomena II (01C16)
Chair:H. Michael Cheung
Cochairs:Joelle Frechette
Seong H. Kim
12:30 PMIntroductory Remarks
12:35 PMA Dynamic Model for the Charging of Muscovite Mica In Aqueous Solutions
Paul Sides, Danish Faruqui
12:55 PMBehavior of Aqueous Polyelectrolyte/graphene Interfaces and the Mechanism of Surface Overcharging, Charge Reversal and Charge Inversion
Ariel A. Chialvo, J. Michael Simonson
1:15 PMElectrochemical Charge Transfer at the Solid/air Interface
Vidhya Chakrapani, Alfred B. Anderson, Kathleen Kash, John C. Angus
1:35 PMDynamics of Water and Electrolyte Solutions In Porous Silicates: Simulations and Experiments
Lukas Vlcek, Eugene Mamontov, David R. Cole, Peter T. Cummings
1:55 PMThe Structure, Adsorption Isotherm, and Average Orientation of Adsorbed Alcohol Layers and Water Layers on Silicon Oxide Surfaces In Ambient Conditions
Anna Barnette, David B. Asay, Michael Janik, Seong H. Kim
2:15 PMControlled Jamming of Particle-Laden Interfaces Using a Spinning Drop Tensiometer
Hsin-Ling Cheng, Sachin Velankar
2:35 PMStructure and Interfacial Interactions of Aqueous Carbon Nanotube Films
Kai Kristiansen, Hongbo Zeng, Jacob N. Israelachvili
2:55 PMConcluding Remarks

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